Twins Baby Boy and Girl Names

Sr. No.Baby Boy NameMeaningBaby Girl NameMeaning
2ABHAYFearless, Son of DharmaABHA Glow
3ABHAYFearless, Son of DharmaABHAYAFearless
5ABHAYAFearlessABHA Glow
6ABHAYAFearlessAABHAGlow; Luster; Shine
9ABISHMy father is a wanderer, Father of errorABISHAThe Lord is my Father
10ABISHABISHAThe Lord is my Father
12ADARSHIdeal; The Sun; Principle; Belief; ExcellenceAADARSHAIdol; Mentor; With an ideology
13ADITYASolar God; children of infinityNITYAPerpetual
14AIDANHelp; IntelligentNADIAThe beginning; First; Black; Generous
15AJAYUnconquerable, InvincibleABHALuster, Shine, Lustrous beauty
16AJAYSuccess; Unconquerable; InvincibleABHAGlow; Luster; Shine
17AKASH SkyDARSHANPerceive, Vision, Paying respect, Religious text
18AKASH SkyDHARAConstant flow, Earth
19AKASHThe Sky; Open-mindednessDHARARain; Constant flow; One who holds; One who sustains; The Earth; Gold
20AKSHATUnharmedAKSHATARice, offered as a sacred substance during puja (worship)
21AKSHATOne who cannot be injured; Rice offered to a deity in Hindu Pooja; IndestructibleAKSHATARice; Immortal; Unscathed; Perfect; Untouched, i.e. divinity
22AKSHATARice; Immortal; Unscathed; Perfect; Untouched, i.e. divinityDAKSHATASkill
23AKSHAYIndestructible, ImmortalAKSHAYAIndestructible, Immortal
24AKSHAYEternal; Immortal; IndestructibleAKSHAYAEternal; Immortal; Indestructible; Goddess Parvati
25AKSHUIndestructible, ImmortalNAINAEyes
26AKSHUEyeNAINAName of a Goddess; Beautiful eyed
27ALOK Brightness, Light, Cry of victory, A man with lovely hairALOKIBrightness
28ALOKLight; Brilliance; VisionALOKIBrightness
29AMARForever, ImmortalAMANPeace
30AMEYMuch lovedAMEYABoundless, Magnanimous
31AMEYLord Ganesh; Free from error or deceit; Not cunningAMEYABoundless; Magnanimous; One who is beyond measure
32AMITEndless, Boundless, Incomparable LordAMITA Limitless
33AMITInfinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible; Imperishable; Great; Endless; BoundlessAMITALimitless; Boundless; Unmeasurable; Infinite; Eternal
34AMIYKarma perform in this birthAMEYABoundless, Magnanimous
35AMIYAmrut (Nectar)AMIYANectar; Delight; Unfading; Ever bright
36AMIYAmrut (Nectar)AMEYABoundless; Magnanimous; One who is beyond measure
37AMOLPriceless, ValuableAMILIKAPriceless, Valuable
38AMOLPriceless; Precious; ValuableAMOLIKAPriceless
39AMRITNectar, Spiritual holy water, ImmortalityAMRITANectar, Spiritual holy water, Immortality
40AMRITNectarAMRITAImmortality; Priceless
41ANAMBlessing; One who blessesANAMIKARing finger; Virtuous; Free of the limitations imposed by a name
42ANAYWithout a leaderANAYAWithout a superior
43ANIRUDH BoundlessANURADHABright star
44ANIRUDHBoundless; Unstoppable; Victorious; Unopposed; An incarnation of Buddha and VishnuANURADHAThe 17th Nakshathra; A bright star
ANISHSupreme, Continuous, Lord Vishnu, Lord ShivaANISHASupreme, Continuous
46ANISHA close friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion; Supreme; Another name for Krishna and VishnuANISHAClose; Intimate; Good friend; Continuous; Without darkness; Light; Unceasing; Generous; Loyal; Close
47ANITJoyful unendingANITAFavor, Grace
48ANITJoyful unending; Calmness; Leader; Artless; SimpleANITAWho takes pleasure in new joys; Grace; Simple; Artless; Leader
49ANNAMBlessingANAMIKARing finger
50ANUJYounger BrotherANUJAYounger Brother
51ANUJYounger BrotherANUJAContinuous; Younger sister
52ANUPAM Incomparable, UniqueANUPAMAIncomparable, Unique, Beautiful
53ANUPAMIncomparable; Precious; UniqueANUPAMAIncomparable; Precious; Unique
56ARMANA Wish, DesireARMITAA Wish, Desire
57ARMANHope or desire; Army Man; WishARMITADesire
58ARPITTo donateARPITADedicate
59ARPITTo donate; To give or offer something; Offered; DedicatedARPITADedicate; Presenting; Offered
60ARUNMythical charioteer of the sun, DawnARUNA Dawn, Sunrise
61ARUNMythical charioteer of the sun, DawnARUNRADHA
62ARUNThe red glow of the rising Sun; Mythical charioteer of the Sun; Dawn; PassionateARUNADawn; Red; Passionate; Fertile
65ARYAN Illustrious, Noble, Spiritual, AncientSHURYABravery
66ARYANIllustrious, Noble, SpiritualARYAHonored, Noble, Goddess Parvati, Goddess Durga
67ARYANThat Which Is Beyond Anyone's StrengthARYAHonored; Noble; Goddess Parvati
68ASHWINIA starVARSHINIGoddess of rain
69AYAANGift of GodMUSKAANSmile
70AYAMDaysMAYAGood mother
71AYUSH Long livedAYUSHA
72AYUSH Long livedAYUSHI Long lived
74AYUSHAge; Man; Long lived; One with long life, Duration of lifeAYUSHALife; Life span
75AYUSHAge; Man; Long lived; One with long life, Duration of lifeAYUSHIOne with long life; Long-lived
76AYUSHAge; Man; Long lived; One with long life, Duration of lifeAYUSHREEBeautiful
78BHAIRAVLord of terror, Lord ShivaBHAIRAVI
79BHAIRAVFormidable; Another name for Lord Shiva; One who vanquishes fearBHAIRVIGoddess Parvati, Terror, The spouse of Bhairav, The form of Rudra in his aspect as a destroyer. It is a name of a lady-guru in tantrik Sadhana, The power to cause terror, A particular type of Durga; A girl of twelve years representing Durga's at Durga's festival; Name of a raaginee
81BHOOMISHKing of the EarthBHOOMIKAEarth; Base; Introduction
82CHANDCHANDNIMoon light, A river
83CHANDSincere wish; The Moon; To shineCHANDNIA river; Moonlight
84CHANDANSandalwood; Auspicious; PerfumedCHANDINIMoon light or a river; Star
85DARSHAN'Perceive, Vision, Paying respect, Religious textDARSHANIOne who blesses
86DEEPLamp, RadiantDEEPIKALamp, Light, A raagini used in Indian music
87DEEPLamp, RadiantDEEPSHIKHAFlame
88DEEPLampDEEPTIBright flame
89DEEPA lamp; Brilliance; Beautiful; LightDEEPIKAA small lamp; Light
90DEEPA lamp; Brilliance; Beautiful; LightDEEPSHIKHAFlame; Lamp
91DEEPAKLamp, Kindle, RadiantDEEPANJALI
92DEEPAKLamp, Kindle, RadiantJYOTILamp, Kindle, Radiant
93DEEPAKSource of lightDEEPIKALight
94DEEPAKLampe; Kindle; BrillianceJYOTIFlame; Lamp; Light; Brilliant; Passionate; Scared; Fire; Vitality dawn; Energy and intelligence; Dawn
95DEVDivinity, God, KingDEVANSHI Divine
96DEVDivinity, God, KingDEVIKAMinor deity, Goddess
97DEVDivinity, God, KingDEVYANILike a Goddess
98DEVGod; King; Light; Heavenly; CloudDEVYANILike a Goddess; Serving Gods; Chariot of the Gods; One invested with divine power
99DEVANSHEternal partDEVYANILike a Goddess
100DHRUVThe polar star, Constant, Faithful, FirmDHRUVIThe polar star, Constant, Faithful, Firm
101DHRUVPole star; Immovable; Eternal; Firm; SteadyDHRUVIFirm
103FREDDIEPeace; ruler; powerPHOEBEBright; clear; radiant
105GYANKnowledgeGYANIMost Intelligent; Full of Knowledge; Intelligent
106HARIThe lord of natureHAARATI
107HARIThe lord of natureHARITAThe lord of nature
108HARISHLord Shiva, Lord KrishnaHAARIKA
110HARPITPositive; Successful; A natural money makerHARPITADedicated
111HARRYHome; power; rulerCARRIEFree being; melody
112HARSHHappiness, Joy, DelightHARSHA Happiness, Joy, Delight
113HARSHHappiness, Joy, DelightHARSHINI Joyful, Happy, One who gives happiness
114HARSHHappiness, Joy, DelightHARSHITA Joyful, Happy, One who gives happiness
115HARSHHappiness, Joy, DelightHARSHITA Joyful, Happy, One who gives happiness
117HARSHJoy; Excitement; Happiness
HARSHITAHappy; Full of joy; Cheerful
118HARSHILJoyful, HappyHARSHINIJoyful, Happy, One who gives happiness
119HARSHILJoyful; Kings of the hills; Kind hearted a sweet; DelightedHARSHINICheerful; Happy
120HASEEN Beautiful, SmartHASEENAPretty, Beautiful
121HASEENBeautiful; HandsomeHASEENAPretty, Beautiful
123HEMALGoldenHEMALIIce; Cold like ice; Golden skinned
124HEMANSHUHEMA Golden, Beautiful
125HEMANSHUThe MoonHEMA Golden
127HIMESHKing of snowHIMISHA
128HRIDHYANSHUFrom the heartHRIDIKAOf heart
129HRITIKFrom the heartHRITIKA
130HRITIKName of a sage; From the heartHRITIKAJoy; Of a truth; Generous; A small flowing river or stream; Truthful
131INDRAJADaughter of Lord IndraCHANDRAJADaughter of the Moon
133ISHANSun, Lord of wealth, Lord Shiva, Lord VishnuISHANARich, Goddess Durga
134ISHANLord Shiva; The Sun; Vishnu; Agni and Surya; Ruler; Generous; Causing prosperityISHANARich; Ruler; Another name for Durga
135ISHANKPeak of the Himalaya, Lord Shiva And Gauri (Parvati)ISHANYAPeak of the Himalaya, Lord Shiva And Gauri (Parvati)
136ISHANKThe peak of the Himalaya; Lord Shiva and Gauri (Goddess Parvati)ISHANYAEast; Northeast
137ISHWARPowerful, Supreme GodISHWARYA
138JACKSupplanter, God is graciousJILLSupplanter, God is gracious
140JAMESSupplanterAMIEMuch loved
141JAMIESupplanterAMIEMuch loved
142JAYMuch lovedJAYA Victory, Victorious, Goddess Durga
143JAYConqueror; Victory; The Sun; Conquest; VictoriousJAYAGoddess Durga; Victory; Conquest; Name of Parvati who was the daughter of Daksh and the consort of Shiva; The 3rd, 8 th or 13th lunar days of either half-month; Name of Durga
144JEMIN Little DoveJEMINALittle Dove
145JIGNESH Little DoveJIGISHA Superior
146JIGNESHCuriosity to researchJIGISHARequired victory; Superior; Ambitious; Wanting to win
147KAIRAVWater bornKAIRAVILight of moon
148KAMAL LotusKAMALALotus, Goddess Laxmi
149KAMALLotus; Perfection; Miracle; Art; Water; Rose-coloured; Another name for BrahmaKAMALAPerfect; Goddess; Flower; Born of a Lotus; Spring; Passionate; Beautiful; Eminent; Prosperity
150KAMALLotus; Perfection; Miracle; Art; Water; Rose-coloured; Another name for BrahmaKOMALTender; Beautiful; Delicate; Gentle; Soft; Sweet
152KANISHCaringKANISHKAAn ancient king; Small; A king who followed Buddhism
153KARAN A warrior, Instrument, Karna, First born of KuntiKAREENA Compassionate
154KARANKarna, The firstborn of Kunti; Talented; Intelligent; Ear; Document; Another name for Brahman or the supreme spiritKAREENAA pure; Innocent; Female friend; Manner; Mode; Order;
155KAVISHLord GaneshKAVYAPoem
157KEVALOnly; Sole; One; Complete; Perfect; UnblemishedKEVLINA
158KEYURArmlet, FlowerKEYURArmlet, Flower
160KHUSHHappyKHUSHIHappiness; Smile; Delight
162KRISHShort form of lord KrishnaKRISHAShort form of lord Krishna
163KRISHShort form of lord KrishnaKRISHIAgriculture, Farming
164KRISHShort form of lord KrishnaKRISTINFollower of Christ
165KRISHNickname of names beginning with - Kris; Short form of Lord KrishnaKRISHADivine; Thin
166KRISHNickname of names beginning with - Kris; Short form of Lord KrishnaKRISHIAgriculture; Farming
167KRISHNADark Complexioned, Lord Krishna, Name of a riverTRISHNA Desire, Thirst
168KRISHNALord KrishnaTRISHNAThirst
169KRISHNALord Krishna; Name of the riverTRISHNAThirst
170KRISTINFollower of ChristKRISTINAFollower of Christ
172KUSH HappyKUSHIHappiness, Joy
173LALITBeautiful, Lovely, Fne, Attractive, ElegantLATIKASmall creeper
174MADHURMelodious, Sweet, Honey, NectarMADHURA Bird
MALASRIWoman wearing a garlandVANISRIGoddess Saraswati; Speech
177MANASMindMANSIVoice of heart
178MANISHIntelligent, Lord of mindMANISHAIntellect, Desire, Wish, Goddess of mind
179MANISHIntelligent, Lord of mindMEENAKSHIGoddess Parvati, One with beautiful eyes
180MANISHLord of the mind; Joyful temperament; Soul; Pride; Heart; Deep thinkerMANISHAIntellect; Desire; Wish; Goddess of mind; Wisdom; Thoughtfulness; Hymn
181MANVIKIntelligentMANVIGirl with humanity
182MARINOf the SeaMARINAOf the Sea
183MAYANKOf the SeaMAYA Illusion, Goddess Laxmi
184MAYANKThe Moon; DistinguishedMAYAGoddess Lakshmi; Wealth; Unreality; Compassion; Sympathy; An unreal or illusory image; Name of mother of Buddha; Prakriti; Affection; An epithet of Lakshmi; Art; Wisdom; One of the nine Shaktis of Vishnu
185MAYURPeacockMAYURA Illusion
186MAYURPeacockMAYURI Peahen
190MICHAELWho is like God?MICHELEWho is like God?
191MIHIR SunMIHIRAFeminine form of Mihir - The Sun
192MIHIRThe SunMIHIRAFeminine form of Mihir; The Sun
194MITHRAFriend; The SunMYTHRIFriendship
195NAMANBow to god, Salutation, RenownedNAMISHA
196NAMANSalutation; Bowing; To pay homageNAMISHAGiving pleasure
197NAYAN EyeNAYNABeautiful eyed
198NAYANEye; Directing; Community; DecorumNAYNAName of a Goddess; Beautiful eyed
201NEELblueNEELAMBIRIClothed in blue
202NEELblueJHEELSilent lake
203NEELChampion; Blue; Treasure; A mountain; Indigo; SapphireNEELANJANABlue; One with blue eyes
205NEERWater; One of the five elements of the world; It is the essence of lifeNEERJALotus flower; Pure; Another name for Goddess Lakshmi
206NEERAJLotus, Born from waterNEERAJA Lotus, Born from water
207NEERAJLotus flower; To illuminate; IrradiateNEERAJALotus flower; Pure; Another name for Goddess Lakshmi
210NIHITGod's giftPREETHappy
211NIKHILComplete, Whole, EntireNIKHILAComplete
212NIKHILESHLord of the universeNIKHITASharp, Earth, Ganges
214NIKILNIKKIVictory of the people
215NILAY Home, Mansion, AbodeNILAYAHome, Mansion, Abode
216NILESH Lord Chandra (Moon), Lord Krishna, Blue godNILIMAblue
217NILESH Lord Chandra (Moon), Lord Krishna, Blue godNILINI Perpetuator of the Kuru race
218NIMISH Spilt secondNIMISHAMomentary, Twinkling of an eye
219NIMISH Spilt secondNIMITAMomentary, Twinkling of an eye
220NIRAJ Lotus, Born of water
221NIRANJANDifferentNIRANJANA Name of a river, Goddess Durga, The night of the full moon
222NIRMAL Clean, PureNIRMALAClean, Virtuous
223NIRUPAMWithout comparison, Incomparable, UniqueNIRUPAMAWithout comparison, Incomparable, Unique
224NIRVANLiberationNIRVANAExtinction of soul
225NISHITMidnight; Night; Sharp; Invigorated; Prepared; Iron; SteelNISHITAVery dedicated; Sharp; Alert; Fast
226NISHITSharp, Pointed, MidnightNISHITA Alert, Sharp
227PARIJATCelestial flowerPARIJATA
228PARIJATDivine tree; A celestial flowerPARIJATATarumoolastha dweller under the Parijata tree
229PARTHA King, ArjunPAWNA
230PARTHA King, ArjunPAWNA
231PAYAL AnkletPRANAV Sacred syllable Om, Symbol
232PAYAL AnkletPRANAVLord Vishnu; The sacred syllable Om; Kind of musical instrument; An epithet of Vishnu; Son of night; Grandson of Anantara and brother of Shatrajit; Very much fresh or young; Epithet of Shiva
233POORVIClassical melodyPOORVAClassical melody
234POORVIA classical melody; From the eastPOORVAEarlier; One; Elder; East
235PRAKRUTNature, BeautifulPRAKRUTINature, Beautiful
236PRAKRUTAncientPRAKRUTINature; Beautiful; Weather
237PRAMODDelight, Joy, HappinessPRAMODALord of all Abodes
238PRAMODADelight; Lord of all abodes; PleasureVINODAPleasing
239PRANJALModestSEJALRiver water
240PRANSHULord of all AbodesPRANVI
241PRANSHUTall; Lord Vishnu; HighPRANVIForgiveness; Goddess of life; Maa Parvati
242PRATIKSymbolPRATIKSHAHope, Waiting
243PRATIKSymbol; the First word in a sentencePRATIKSHAHope; Waiting for something
244PRAVEEN Expert, SkilledPRAVEENAExpert, Skilled
246PRAYUSHName of VishnuPRAYUSHIPure
247PREMLove, AffectionPRAMITA
248PREMLove, AffectionPREMALove, Affection
250PREMLovePREMALove; Beloved
251PREMALove; BelovedPREMAJA
252PRESTONPriestKRISTENA follower of Christ
253PRITHVIThe EarthSAANVIGoddess Lakshmi
255PRIYAMLove; BelovedPRIYAMADAClever; Smart
256PUNITPure, HolyPUNITAPure, Holy
257PUNITPure or holyPUNITALove; Pure; Sacred; Devout
258RAHULPure, HolyRAKHIThread of brother and sister bonding
260RAHULSon of Buddha; Conqueror of all miseries; Competent; EfficientRAKHIThread of brother-sister bonding; Symbol of protection; Full Moon in the Shravan month
261RAJKing, Rule, Kingdom, MonarchRAJANINight
262RAJKing, Rule, Kingdom, MonarchRAJESHWARIGoddess Parvati, Queen
264RAJKingRAJESHWARIGoddess Parvati; Goddess of Kings; Princess
265RAKHSITThose who save; SaviourRAKSHITAWho protect
266RAKSHReducer of the number of demonsRAKSHITAProtector
267RAKSHReducer of the number of demonsRAKSHITAWho protect
268RAKSHITGuarded, Secure, SavedRAKSHANDA
269RAKSHITGuarded, Secure, SavedRAKSHANDAProtecting
271RAMLord Rama, God, Supreme spirit, CharmingRAMYABeautiful, Delightful
272RANJEETThe delighted one, Victorious, One who is entertainedRANJEETA
273RANJEETVictor in wars; VictoriousRANJEETAAdorned
274RASHICollection of wealth, SignRISHI Sage, Ray of light
275RASHIThe sign of the zodiac; CollectionRISHIPleasure; Sage; Ray of light; Wise; Pious; Light
276RISHTo Cherish, To Hold DearISHIGoddess Durga
277RISHBrave & dominant rulerISHIGoddess Durga; Rock; Salvation
278RISHABHSuperior, Morality, A musical noteRISHASaintly
279RISHABHMorality; Superior; Excellent; A musical note; BullRISHAFeather; Line; Saintly
280RISHI Sage, Ray of lightRISHASaintly
281RISHI Sage, Ray of lightRISHIKA Saintly, One who is knowledgeable
282RISHI Sage, Ray of lightRISHITASaintly
283RISHI Sage, Ray of lightKHUSHIHappy
284RISHIPleasure; Sage; Ray of light; Wise; Pious; LightRISHAFeather; Line; Saintly
285RISHIPleasure; Sage; Ray of light; Wise; Pious; LightRISHIKASilken; Saintly; Pious; Learned
286RISHIPleasure; Sage; Ray of light; Wise; Pious; LightRISHITAThe best; Saintly; Learned
287RITESHLord of seasons, Lord of truthRITUSeason
288RITESHLord of seasons, Lord of truthRITUSeason; Period
289RITHIKFrom the heartRITHIKAStream
290ROJAGarden; Meadow; ParadisePOOJAIdol worship
291RONAVOne who embodies grace and charm, HandsomeRONAKEmbellishment, Brightness, Radiance, Celebration
292RONAVOne who embodies grace and charm, Aka. handsomeRONAKBeauty; Grace; Glamour
293ROOPAL PrettySONALGolden
294RUDRAMightiest of the mightyMUDRAHealing hand movements
295RUHANSpiritual; kind-heartedRUHISoul
297SAJANBeloved; Good man; Noble; Respectable; Guard; From a good familySAJNIBeloved
298SALIMSound, Unimpaired, Sane, Sincere, Healthy, SafeSALMASound, Unimpaired, Sane, Sincere, Healthy, Safe
299SAMEEREarly morning fragranceHEERDiamond
300SANAYPrayer, To praiseSANYAPrayer, To praise
301SANAYAncient; One that will last foreverSANYAEminent; Distinguished; Born on Saturday
302SANGEETPrayer, To praiseSANGEETA
303SANJAYVictorious, Dhritarashtra's charioteer, TriumphantSANJANAGentle, In harmony
304SANJAYVictorious; Dhritarashtra's charioteerSANJANAGentle; Creator
306SANJEETWho is always victorious; Winner from 4 directions; Perfectly victoriousSANJEETATriumphant; Flute
307SANJIVLove, Life, VitalSANJIVANIImmortality
308SANJIVGiving life; Reanimating; LoveSANJIVANIImmortality
309SANJUUnionMANJUSnow, Dew drops, Beautiful, Pleasant
310SANJUHanuman; Similar to Sanjay; Victory; TriumphantMANJUSnow; Pleasant; Beautiful
312SANKETSignal; Goal; Stipulation; Agreement; Indication; SignSANKITABrave; Strength; Happiest
313SANTOSHSatisfaction, HappinessSANTOSHIHappy, Goddess Name
314SANTOSHSatisfaction, HappinessSANTOSHIName of a Goddess; Contented; Satisfied; Pleased
315SANYOG Joining together, Combination, CoincidenceSANYOGITA
316SAPAN Dream (Swapna)SAPANA
318SATYATruth; Real; Another name for Durga's and SitaNITYAEternal; Constant; Another name for Durga
320SHAKTIGoddess Durga, PowerfulBHAKTIGoddess Durga, Powerful
321SHAKTIPowerful; Goddess Durga; Power; Vigour; Ability; The female energy of a God; Another name for Lakshmi; Saraswati the feminine energy of a God; Aid; Sword; GiftBHAKTIDevotion; Prayer
322SHANAY Power of lord ShaniSHANAYA
323SHANAYAncient; One that will last foreverSHANAYAEminent; Distinguished; Born on Saturday; First ray of the Sun
324SHAURYABraveAARYAGoddess Durga
325SHIKHAR Power of lord ShaniSHIKHA Power of lord Shani
326SHIKHARMountain peak; Peak; UltimateSHIKHAFlame; Peak; Light
327SHIRIN Power of lord ShaniSHIRINA Power of lord Shani
328SHIRINCharming; Pleasant; Ploughman; GrassSHIRINANight
329SHREY Power of lord ShaniSHREYABeautiful, Auspicious, Better, To give credit to someone
330SHREYCredit; MarvelousSHREYAGoddess Lakshmi; Auspicious; Luster; Prosperity; Pratham; Shrestha; Beauty; Grace; Power; Brilliance; Dignity power; Another name for Saraswati; Sacred; A musical Raag
331SHWETBeautiful, Auspicious, Better, To give credit to someoneSHWETABeautiful, Auspicious, Better, To give credit to someone
332SHWETWhiteSHWETAWhite; One who is as pure as the white colour
333SINDUBINDUDrop, Point
334SINDUOcean; RiverBINDUA drop of water; Point; Decorative dot worn on the forehead by women in India
335SOUMYA Decent, BeautifulSOUMYAA
337SRIHITHLord VishnuSRIHITHASomeone who is concerned about the welfare (Hita) of others; Indian
338SRIHITHLord VishnuSRIHITHASomeone who is concerned about the welfare (Hita) of others; Indian
339SUCHETAttentive, AlertSUCHITAAttentive, Alert
340SUCHETAttentive; Alert; Intelligent; SharpSUCHITAExcellent picture; Beautiful; Holy; Auspicious; Informed; Sensible
341SUCHITPerson with a sound mindSUCHITAAttentive, Alert
342SUCHITA person with a sound mind; Sensible; Intelligent; Informed; Pure; Focussed; Another name for BrahmaSUCHITAExcellent picture; Beautiful; Holy; Auspicious; Informed; Sensible
343SUDHANVery richSUDHANectar, Amrit, Earth, Daughter
345SULEKThe SunSULEKAGood Information
346SUMEDH CleverSUMEDHAWise, Intelligent
347SUMEDHWise; Clever; SensibleSUMEDHAWise; Clever; Sensible
348SUYASHGood result, Victory, illustriousSUYASHAGood result, Victory, illustrious
349SUYASHIllustriousSUYASHAGood achievement
350TANAY SonTANYAOf the family, Body
351TANAYSon; dear oneTANYAFairy queen
352TANAYSonTANYAOf the family
356TEJLight, Lustrous, RadiantTEJASVIEnergetic, Gifted, Brilliant
357TEJLight, Lustrous, RadiantTEJSHREELight, Lustrous, Radiant
358TEJLight; Lustrous; Power; Brilliance; Glory; SecurityTEJASVILustrous; Energetic; Gifted; Brilliant
359TEJASSharp, Luster, BrillianceTEJASWINILustrous, Bright, Radiant, Intelligent
360TEJASSharpness; Brightness; Tip of the flame; Light; Brilliance; Gold; Power; Might honour; Fire; Spirit brillianceTEJASWINILustrous or bright or radiant or intelligent; Brave; Powerful; Celebrated; Energetic; Noble; Brilliant
361TIMTo Honor GodKIMKing's city meadow
362TIRATHSacred placeKEERATHSong praising God
363UDITGrown, Awakened, ShiningUDITIRising
364UDITGrown, Awakened, ShiningUDITIRising
365UMESHLord of Uma, Lord ShivaUSHAMorning, Dawn, Sun rise
366UNNATMorning, Dawn, Sun riseUNNATIProgress
367UNNATEnergised; Raised; High; Eminent; Elevated; Tall; Regal; A BuddhaUNNATIProgress; High point; Wealth; Success
369VAIBHAVRichness, Prosperity, Glorious, Powerful, Born of moonVAIBHAVIGoddess Laxmi
371VAIBHAVRichness; Power; EminenceVAIBHAVILandLord; Rich person
372VANDAN Salutate, AdorationVANDANASalutate, Adoration
373VARUN Lord of waters, NeptuneVARUNAWife of Varun, Name of a river, Goddess of all
374VARUNLord of the waters; Neptune; All enveloping sky; A Vedic God regarded as the supreme deity, he is seen as upholding heaven and Earth and guarding immortalityVARUNAName of a river; Wife of Vann
375VASUWealth, Lord Vishnu, An ancient kingVASUDAEarth
376VEDSacred knowledgeVEDAKnowledge, Wisdom
377VEDSacred knowledgeVEDANTIKnowledge, Wisdom
378VEDSacred knowledge; Riches; Precious; Four philosophical scriptures underlying HinduismVEDAPious; Writing of the Aryans; Devout; Celebrated; Worthy
379VEDSacred knowledge; Riches; Precious; Four philosophical scriptures underlying HinduismVEDANTIKnower of the Vedas; Knowledgeable about the Vedas; Theologian
380VIBHUTStrongVIBHUTI Great Personality, Wealth, Goddess Laxmi
381VIBHUTStrongVIBHUTIGreat personality
382VIDYUTElectricity, Power, Brilliant, LighteningVIDUSHI Learned
383VIDYUTA flash of lightning; BrilliantVIDUSHI Learned
384VIJAY Victory, Strong and victoriousVIJAYAConqueror, Victorious
385VIJAY Victory, Strong and victoriousVIJAYASHREEConqueror, Victorious
386VIJAYANTVictorious, Lord IndraVIJAYANTIWinning
387VIJAYARATHNASignificant among victoriousVIJAYALAKSHMIGoddess of victory
388VIMALPure, CleanVIMALAPure, Clean
389VINAYPolite, Good manners, ModestyVINAYAPolite, Good manners, Modesty
390VINAYAKLord Ganesh, Remover of obstaclesVINAYAKA Lord of all
391VINEETUnassuming, Knowledgeable, ModestVINEETAUnassuming, Knowledgeable, Modest
392VIPULUnassuming, Knowledgeable, ModestVIPULAUnassuming, Knowledgeable, Modest
393VISHAL Giant, Huge, Massive, GreatVAISHALI An ancient Indian city
394WILSONSon of WilliamALISONNoble; light
395YASHVictory, Glory, Fame, SuccessYASHSVIVictorious, Glorious, Famous, Successful
397YASHVictory; Glory; Success; Celebrity; ReputationYASHASVIKeerthi; Famous
398YUVAANYouthfulYUVIKAYoung woman